
New Director and Owner

A message from Laurie Bergeron, the new Director, and owner of the Technology and Learning Center:

Most importantly, I am a mom. I was first introduced to the Technology and Learning Center by enrolling my son in summer camps 10 years ago. My son has autism (Aspergers) and ADHD. The center met him where he was and embraced who he is. He absolutely loved being at the center. Struggling in school, I then enrolled him in the after-school Homework Study Program, which he attended from 3rd grade to 12th grade. The center is the reason he was successful in school and was able to graduate from high school. The Homework Study Program helped him complete homework, projects, and study,...


A fun and safe space to play video games with friends and enjoy a Friday/Saturday parent night out. Offered on select Fridays/Saturdays.  Call for more information! 985-778-2828...